U.S.S. Westchester County Association Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Yeager at 9:08 AM.
Nolan Nelson read the minutes from the 2010 meeting. He also passed out copies of the financial report. He noted the reunions had broken even over the years 2004 through 2010. The results for 2011 reunion were yet to be determined. The financial report and minutes for 2010 were received and approved. John Nosek said the minutes will be posted to the website and mailed to those without computer access who request a copy. The financial report will not be posted or mailed.


Nolan handed out the results of his research about fees for life-time memberships.  He noted several organizations did not offer that option.  Overall their concern was the effect on revenue in future years.  Jim Yeager noted that would be a concern for us since we only have an aging cohort for membership, so life memberships could eventually mean little new revenue.   Al Wittich said Nolan could investigate Vietnam Veterans of America approach to t5his issue..  Nolan will bring that additional schedule to the next meeting.

The members then discussed permanent memorials and recognitions for the WESCO.  Paul Maier reported the memorial on the San Diego Amphibious Base currently recognizes donations for their memorial to all Brown Water Navy forces, but does not allow recognition beyond noting the service of the WESCO on the face of the memorial and receipt of a significant donation on the back of the memorial.  Paul said he will follow up with people at Angle Fire New Mexico for displaying a copy of our D.C. Navy Memorial plaque.  He will also investigate the possibility of recognition at the WW II museum in New Orleans.  John Nosek will seek other sites where the WESCO can receive recognition that focus on amphibious warfare.  George Fairbanks with Danny McDonald’s help will contact the LST-325 Association about recognition.  Jim Yeager will contact John Sullivan’s son concerning other opportunities for recognition in the D.C. area.  Will Duffy reported that the memorial at London Park in Westchester County New York is not currently receiving the care the Association would wish for a permanent memorial.  Al Carson will complete his model of the Westchester County and contact a foundry in Pueblo about a bronze rendition of the ship.


John Nosek discussed his and Nick Brumley’s plans for the Reno reunion October 4-7, 2012. In general their plans will maximize personal activity time and minimize scheduled activity costs. Motion was discussed and approved to grant a free reunion registration to the member who recruits the most attendees over three among those individuals who had not attended a reunion in the last three years. Motion was made and approved to accept Mike and Ronnie Dunning’s offer to host the 2013 reunion in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Al Wittich reported $1,355 has been raised among members to give to John and Rusty Sloan, because of their catastrophic loss due to the tornado hitting Joplin. This effort is in keeping with the approach that leadership for response to a personal crisis resides with the individual members and not the Association. Al Carson brought forward the question of whether to make a donation by the Association to either the Center for American Values or the Congressional Medal of Honor Memorial; both of which we visited during the reunion. Nolan Nelson and Robin Norcutt noted that neither the by-laws nor mission statement contain objective language that allows Association donations to organizations that do not specifically recognize service of the WESCO. A motion was approved to table further discussion of donations to organizations.

Danny McDonald presented an update on Agent Orange eligibility. He said it is important to get registered even if you do not have symptoms of an accepted disease. You need to find an advocate to help you by using such people as are available through the DAV or VFW. The key phrase for a doctor to use in cases where you develop a disease accepted for Agent Orange coverage is “at least as likely related to exposure to Agent Orange”.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM.

Respectfully Submitted
Secretary/Treasurer, Nolan Nelson