U.S.S. Westchester County Association Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Yeager at 9:14 AM.

Nolan Nelson read the minutes from the 2011 meeting. He also passed out copies of the financial report and the results of his additional research in regard to how other organizations deal with life memberships. Nolan discussed the financial results in general, but the final results for the 2012 reunion are yet to be determined. The 2012 minutes will be posted on the website and will be mailed to anyone who does not have a computer. The financial report will not be posted or mailed. David Maier moved, Robin Norcutt seconded, and the membership affirmed that the financial report and 2011 minutes be accepted as presented.


Mike Dunning updated the attendees about the Albuquerque reunion in 2013. He has obtained a block of 25 rooms at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. The altitude of t5he hotel is 5,000 feet and the proposed trip to Santa Fe travels to 6,000 feet. To contact the hotel for general information call 1-505-724-3800, to make reservations call 1-877 475-3827, and to review the website use link http://www.hardrockcasinoabq.com/.

Mike Kelly brought to our attention the previous discussion about financially assisting shipmates to attend. The attendees affirmed again that any substantial assistance to a shipmate for any reason must originate with individual members and not the Association. In those cases where attendance at reunions can be accomplished by no more than waiving the reunion fees, and possibly providing a small stipend, the officers could be empowered to make that decision. Al Carson moved, David Visscher seconded, and the attendees approved that the Executive Board be granted such authority.

There were several reports about initiatives to discover places and methods to permanently recognize the Wesco. Jim Yeager reported he did not contact John Sullivan about any additional ways in which to permanently recognize the Wesco in the D.C. area. Paul Maier said the organization supervising the Vietnam memorial on the amphib base in San Diego remains committed to the policy that individual recognition of persons or units is limited to engraving on the back of the memorial names for donations of $100 or more. He said that the people at Mount Angel Fire New Mexico had not responded to his efforts to contact them, so he will see them in person. He will also investigate steps needed to place a granite rendition of the Washington DC plaque at Mount Soledad in San Diego. Neither George Fairbanks nor Danny McDonald attended this reunion, and to report on contacts with the LST-325 Association. Therefore John Nosek moved, Larry Legg seconded, and the attendees approved Robin Norcutt to pursue opportunities for permanent recognition of the Wesco with the Association. Robin is a member of the LST-325 Association. David Maier will contact the veterans home in Sandusky Ohio by meeting personally with the new curator. The barracks on the grounds has been converted has been converted into a museum recognizing LST sailors of all wars and might house a display of all Wesco memorabilia. John Nosek will contact Will Duffy about recovering our memorabilia in Westchester County New York, and storing it at a location under our control.

The attendees next discussed the subject of lifetime memberships. The concern remained paramount that the Wesco has only an aging and limited cohort of actual and potential members, so no action was taken to modify the current policy of $35 for one year and a discounted figure of $150 for five years.


The first matter was to elect new officers. Nolan Nelson was declared the Secretary/Treasurer by acclimation and he accepted. There was also universal agreement that Jim Yeager should continue as President, which he agreed to provided John Nosek would continue as Vice President. John agreed concluding elections.

A site was proposed for the 2014 reunion. Richard “Rino” Johannsen and Mike Kelly Johannsen offered to host the reunion in Jacksonville Florida. David Visscher moved, David Maier seconded and the attendees accepted the offer for a reunion within a September or October timeframe.

The reunion attendees were very pleased with the shirts and hats Nick Brumley was able to obtain. For future reunions the motion was made by John Nosek, seconded by Larry Legg, and approved that Nick would contract with this vendor for future reunions.

There were several suggestions for future reunions. John Nosek suggested the application include an emergency contact. Jim Yeager suggested reunions include multiple scheduled activities because of the expected decline in physical abilities of attendees.

David Maier gave a medical report concerning the Veteran’s Administration. He stated that systemic heart disease has been added to the list of diseases presumed to have been caused by Agent Orange. Al Wittich reminded members to contact the service officers of such organizations as DAV, VFW, or American Legion for help being certified as exposed even if you display no symptoms currently.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nolan Nelson